Tuesday, January 25, 2011


 We woke up this morning to a 90 minute school delay. 
The weather man said a dusting of snow!
Oh, & did I mention it has been below zero the past few days & nights! 
I'm beginning to think I live at the North Pole!

We have been trying to keep busy the past few weeks 
& make the best of the situation! 
You didn't really think we could be that obsessive did you?
I borrowed that photo.... & maybe a few others.

Thank God this was not my car!
 At least all the snow we shoveled was outside the car!
The boys will be shoveling again!
Tomorrow the Nor-easter is on it's way! Yippee!

My daughter & best friend told me I should travel with them to Bali
I'm really not sure why I'm not right now!

Hopefully Spring isn't too far off

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year!

Our family is starting the New Year in new places.

Marykate was in Chiang Mai, Thailand
She is Now in Pai, traveling to Laos in a few days.

Cameron was in L. A. with his girlfriend Leanna

Ryan & Reilly 
were in Simsbury
James, Chris Spent the NewYear with us in Simsbury
 & Hamster rang in the New Year in NYC
This year brings a lot of change. Timmy's student program sprang into full swing with the New Year!
He has his girls dorm up & running, & is setting up the boys dorm. Students are arriving every day!
We hope to have them all settled in by the second week of the New Year. 

Marykate will be exploring South East Asia until early February. Cameron will start school in Santa Barbara Mid January. Reilly is waiting to hear from Colleges. Ryan, Chris & Hamster are working for Timmy & getting ready to start a construction project. 
We also have 2 students from China, Kevin & James, living with us & attending Simsbury High School.

Oh, I almost forgot!
 I am now a licensed Connecticut & Massachusetts Real Estate Agent! 
My office is at Realty World Hometown Simsbury, CT.
 Do you know anyone who would like to buy or sell a house?
Have them give my a call.
Wishing everyone a Happy, Peaceful & Prosperous New Year!
 The Martin Family + a few!